Marine Watering Place

a dry one
rain is much below
summer are few
thunderstorms remarkably rare

eminently bracing
calculated to strengthen
string up the fibres
those who want tone
impart energy

exhausted by mental labour
by anxiety
residence in relaxing
enervating localities

the depressing atmosphere
crowded towns
invigorating air
conjoined bodily exercise
incentives, is the best tonic

an enfeebled frame
unstrung men
languid women
weakly children
revive in this air
stimulus which they need renewing
vitiated blood

enfeebled muscular powers
the shattered nerves
fortifying accordingly
in short, for laying in
a new fund of health and vigour

bereft of display
textually isolated
arial blindspots
social networking
wireless to receive
aimlessly connect

timetablular whims
going nowhere
publicly untransported
a new lease
your own wheels
drive your life

unspent youth
lacks plastic
weakly paid
takeaway credit
regale therapy stories

ridiculous footbridge
heritage grime
broken railyards
sheltered housing
new car park

drink tea
eat "fat rascals"
species of pastry
all in the air
the baking weather
subtle and piercing
the attention of various capitalists

jaded by hard work or
the pursuit of pleasure
half stifled in large towns
your true born
ill-compensated for defective cookery
stuffy rooms by the greatest glories
afford but scanty attraction
comforts and appliances
trace its windings
pursue its course

nook in the grounds
mineral spring
chalybeate constitution
peculiar styptic metalic taste
iron ochre on the stones
surrounding surfaces

Sulphate of Lime
Chloride of Magnesium
Chloride of Sodium
Chloride of Potassium
precipitated on boiling
the Carbonates of:
Lime, Magnesia and Iron

extract a slight toll
intersected by numerous
been drained and
properly made
as they are all free
a delightful means of recreation

Breakfasts with Eggs, Meat or Fish; Basin of Soup; Mutton Broth, with Cutlet; Bread, Cheese and Butter; Chop or Steak; Do. do. with vegetables; Plate of Sandwiches; Cold Meat, with Salad or Pickles; Joint, with vegetables; Fish or Soup and Joint; Sweets; Cotelettes; Plain tea; With Eggs, Meat or Fish; Cup of Tea or Coffee